T4.1. The influence of physical drivers on modelled O2-trends (M30-M48)
We will synthesize the results of T1.1, T2.1 and T3.2, leading to the influence of water mass representation on modelled past and future O2-trends in the North Atlantic and the results of T2.2, T2.3, T3.3 and T3.4, leading to the influence of circulation representation on modelled past and future O2-trends in the high latitude North Atlantic. Together, this will yield the influence of physical misrepresentation on modelled O2-trends, but also to improved regional O2 projections via a selection of well-performing models. Moreover, our results with the GCM from T2.1 also tell us if the ongoing O2 decline can be explained by ocean physics alone.
T4.2. The influence of biological drivers on modelled O2-trends (M24-M48)
We will synthesize the results of T1.2, T3.1 and T3.5, leading to the influence of biological drivers on modelled past and future O2-trends in the North Atlantic for three different emission scenarios, but also to improved regional O2 projections via improved bio-parameters.